How results of Wirescan Digital are communicated to me?

All data and results are available at any time and are displayed in a user-friendly metacontextual map-based visualization. Visualization levels range from Portfolio (if applicable) to a specific Asset, to a single Cable to a single Phase. Wirescan Digital does not have geographical restrictions nether in terms of access or visualization. Your will see new results, new cables or assets as soon as they are added to the cloud. You can see overall condition of your cables as well as assess historical data and specific events.

Wierscan Digital is easily accessible through a simple log-in via a browser on a laptop or tablet in your office, home or on site. [unchanged part] Automatic and scheduled reporting with executive summaries and detailed health assessment can be provided by email, or the user can actively use Wirescan Digital as an online tool to access everything from measurement data to analysis results to manually or automatically generated reports.

If an event develops at a critical rate or magnitude, e.g. an early stage failure, Wirescan Digital can immediately notify you with a notification with a report with status and location.
Should you want to go deeper, look at an overall condition of your whole global portfolio, a single cable, a phase, or a specific hot spot - the interactive dashboard with map-based visualization of data and analysis results is easily accessible through a web browser on your laptop or mobile device. Wirescan Digital has all the options.

You are always up to date on the condition of your power cable grid, and timely notified when and where things start to go wrong. Wirescan Digital is your predict and prevent tool for efficient cable operation and maintenance with potential significant savings in cost and time. Your gain is operational excellence and security.