Disruptive mind and the moment of truth

If you believe any business or any deal can be done by following tried-and-true business practices (as they teach in business schools) the reality will soon correct this.

Breakthrough thinking and creativity often comes from making uncommon connections. I call it “thinking out of the box”. For some it takes an extra effort, for Anders Berger it comes naturally. This is a fact that fascinated me from the very first day I met him. Years later this fascination has grown only bigger.  I understand where Anders comes from. He had an impressive and diverse carrier – merges, acquisitions, start-ups, advance-ups, venture capital funds, complicated shareholder agreements, exits, investments – you name it. He has done it all, he has been on every side of a table of any shape imaginable. He has worn many many… many hats. He is the Financial Man.  A traditional, calm, balanced, reasonable, cool-headed and experienced financial man. But this one comes with a delightful surprise. Anders is a treasure chest of wonderful unconventional  experiences. Moreover, he has an incredible ability to link these stories to any business challenge or task and trigger an uncommon connection. Uncommon connections.  Disruptive thinking. Disruptive technology. Do you follow me?

Mixing disruptive thinking with stimulating “set on the future” minds (i.e. incredible Wirescan team) gives a result of a disruptive technology and new solutions causing unanticipated opportunities.

Some people need to read a couple of science fiction novels, or listen to some futurist, to consciously trigger this kind of thinking. Anders has another source of creative renewal and inspiration.

His mind never sleeps. His life is full of people, activities, plans, schedules, obligations…

What does he do to recharge? A quiet afternoon with a book on a sofa? No… not Anders. Whenever he gets a chance he is there – somewhere out in the nature. Doesn’t matter if it is a patch of forest by the house or a remote place up in the mountains. This is his moment of truth and solitude of mind. Skiing or walking he’d push himself out of the comfort zone, exploring the limits, reaching this blissful level of intensity when his mind clicks into “the mode of suspense”. All thoughts, worries, lists, tasks dissolve into a timeless bodiless nothingness. He merges in one with the moment, with himself and the nature. The moment just for Andres, regardless if he is surrounded by people. This moment will be his. The moment of renewal. The moment that brings forward the uncommon connections and disruptive thinking, which calmly and quietly pushes us out of our comfort zones. To explore our limits, to disrupt the world, to create something great which will make all your lives so much better.

This is the story of our Wirescan Anders. Anders Berger. The treasure chest of disruptive thinking.

“Breakthrough thinking and creativity often comes from making uncommon connections”


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One year of the Wirescan life: 2020 - a year like no other.